Let’s Work Together!

With years of DTC e-commerce experience, I can help you level up your retention program by marrying data-driven and brand-building strategies to create a more holistic and effective retention program. You can check out my LinkedIn work history here.

How I Approach Retention Marketing

Brands have been too focused on growth marketing alone for far too long and tend to turn their email marketing teams into their retention teams with little foresight and little support. In my opinion, your customers are the key to your long-term success and if you’re not able to fully harness their power, you’ll be stuck acquiring low-value customers until it's no longer sustainable.

My approach to retention marketing is a data-first approach. I like to understand your current customers as well as your highest-value customers to understand how to replicate that behavior from a customer's very first order. I’ll then use those insights to guide strategy for your email and SMS channels so it's being approached in a more data-driven and holistic way. If you’ve been noticing a downtrend in your retention marketing KPIs or feel like your email marketing isn’t driving as much value as you had hoped, then let's talk.

<aside> 💡 The following includes a breakdown of how I approach partnerships starting with a channel and program audit plus ongoing support to ensure agile implementation of the recommendations so that you see an ROI in at least 3 months of working together.


2. Offerings:

2.1: Channel + Program Audit

This is where I’ll spend time digging into your account and program to give data-driven recommendations on what I would do in your account all based on goals we align on during the kick-off. The following channels I’ll spend the most time in are email and SMS.

The audit will include work in the following areas: